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신경외과 원장 류성모
삼성서울병원 인턴
삼성서울병원 신경외과 레지던트
삼성서울병원 척추센터 임상강사
성균관대학교 의과대학 외래교수
2015 삼성서울병원 의무기록 모범상
2016 Nara University Hospital 연수
2017 대한신경외과학회 전공의구연 최우수상
2018 근막통증유발점 TPI 이수
2018 AOSpine Korea Congress Best Poster
2018 CNS Annual Meeting Oral Presenting Author, Houston
2019 대한근골격계초음파학회 초음파 전문가과정 이수
제1저자 논문저술
Novel prognostication of patients with spinal and pelvic chondrosarcoma using deep survival neural networks.
Subtotal resection of cervical schwannomas and growth rate of residual tumors.
Predicting Survival of Patients with Spinal Ependymoma Using Machine Learning Algorithms with the SEER Database.
Subtotal Resection of Cervical Dumbbell Schwannomas: Radiographic Predictors for Surgical Considerations.
Risk of Recurrent Chronic Subdural Hematoma Associated with Early Warfarin Resumption: A Matched Cohort Study.
Optimal treatment of jugular foramen schwannomas: long-term outcome of a multidisciplinary approach for a series of 29 cases in a single institute.
Superficial Siderosis of the Central Nervous System Originating from the Thoracic Spine: A Case Report.
Comparison of Spinal Nerve Root Block Alone and Spinal Nerve Root Block with Psoas Compartment Block in Patients with a Herniated Lumbar Disc.
영상의학과 자문의 이지영
삼성서울병원 인턴
삼성서울병원 영상의학과 레지던트
삼성서울병원 근골격파트 임상강사
Feasibility of Adjustable Electrodes for Radiofrequency Ablation of Benign Thyroid Nodules
Which Parameter Influences Local Disease-Free Survival after Radiation Therapy Due to Osteolytic Metastasis?
Histogram analysis of apparent diffusion coefficients for predicting pelvic lymph node metastasis in patients with uterine cervical cancer
Value of blood oxygenation level-dependent MRI for predicting clinical outcomes in uterine cervical cancer treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy
In vivo electrical conductivity measurement of muscle, cartilage, and peripheral nerve around knee joint using MR-electrical properties tomography
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